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Home Products MEDVET partners with INNOVAD for animal feed additive

MEDVET partners with INNOVAD for animal feed additive

Innovad and Medvet Pharma Pvt. Ltd. are joining efforts to bring innovative solutions for animal feed and to address species-specific challenges with newly emerging solutions that rely less on medication. Whether you are a nutritionist, veterinarian or producer, we offer solutions for you that reduce disease, improve animal well-being and create a healthy environment. 

Our distribution cooperation has begun this August and together we’ll start by launching Novimold®Novicid®Escent® and Escent® S. This initial range supports the local animal feed sectors. 

Thanks to the science-based RISE® Platform behind our flagship product Escent® S, with proven efficacy in vivo, blood samples will be analysed for mycotoxins for the first time in the Republic of Nepal. Myco-Marker® diagnostics support will be utilised to determine the true mycotoxin risk and exposure to animals. 

Home Products Medvet partners with KEMIN for Vaccine Business in Nepal

Medvet partners with KEMIN for Vaccine Business in Nepal

Medvet Pharma Pvt. Ltd. has signed an business agreement with Kemin Industries for partnership of Kemin Biologics products for Nepals market. Kemin Biologics is exporting its poultry live and killed vaccines to Nepal from 2022. A wide range of unique poultry live and killed vaccines for the protection of poultry industry against diseases is being exported to Nepal.

Home Products MEDVET PHARMA in NPIE 2020


Medvet Pharma Pvt. Ltd. had exhibited in Nepal Poultry International Expo 2020 from February 28th to March 1st 2020. Together with the marketing team and representative from Dutch Farm International B.V.all the way from the Netherlands was there to meet the customers and share the product information.