MEDVET partners with INNOVAD for animal feed additive
Innovad and Medvet Pharma Pvt. Ltd. are joining efforts to bring innovative solutions for animal feed and to address species-specific challenges with newly emerging solutions that rely less on medication. Whether you are a nutritionist, veterinarian or producer, we offer solutions for you that reduce disease, improve animal well-being and create a healthy environment.
Our distribution cooperation has begun this August and together we’ll start by launching Novimold®, Novicid®, Escent® and Escent® S. This initial range supports the local animal feed sectors.
Thanks to the science-based RISE® Platform behind our flagship product Escent® S, with proven efficacy in vivo, blood samples will be analysed for mycotoxins for the first time in the Republic of Nepal. Myco-Marker® diagnostics support will be utilised to determine the true mycotoxin risk and exposure to animals.